Why did you pick this name. Do you take a long walk by yourself and think it over. June 23 is United Nations Public Service Day. Why do you like it so much. Why do you like it, and what do you like best about it. What other things do you want to accomplish.

My Town: If an out-of-town visitor was coming to visit, where would you take your visitor. How would other animals treat you. How do you think you would feel when you were that animal. : Think about something that annoys or bothers you. Maybe it was a joke that a friend told you, a comedy routine, or a scene in a movie. Why do you want to go to this place. The Oldest Thing You’ve Ever Seen: What is the oldest thing you have ever seen. ” or “What did I do to cause this.

Prompt: If you are like most people, you probably have had experiences in which you have been treated in a way you consider unfair. A Good Personality Trait: Think of a person you really like or admire. Where were you and where did you go. Describe where you went, who you went with, what you did, and why you enjoyed it. Write about how you find solutions to your problems.

Write about how you find solutions to your problems. I’ve found the same thing to be true with my students – but these exercises are particularly appreciated because you can start out simple and then work in other tenses as they start to feel more confident. What is your favorite “space”. Stranded on an Island: If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island and could take three items with you, what three items would you take and why. What was it and why did you dislike it so much. Do you have any traits in common.

New Student Questions: If there was a new student in class and you could only ask that person three questions to get to know them, what questions would you ask. If You Could Fly: If you could fly whenever you wanted to, what would you do. Election Issues: What do you think are the most important issues in this election (and why). Why do you respect this person so much; what have they done to deserve your respect My April Fool Joke: Who would you like to play an April Fool’s Day joke on. What was it and why did you like it so much.

Main thesis about esl writing prompts

What I Like Best in School: What is your favorite part of the school day. It may not seem so when your mom yells at you to take out the garbage, but think of the hundreds of choices you make every day. If I Were the President: Write a page on what you’d do if you were the President. Write about this experience and what you learned from it. Why is it so funny. Movie Review: Review a movie.

Describe this person and write about why they are so important. Writing Clinic: Creative Writing Prompts (13) – My City. Write about what you remember, how old you were at the time, and why you think you remember this event in particular. The Biggest Thing I’ve Ever Seen: What is the largest thing that you have ever seen. ” Often, we don’t know our own strength until something really gets in our way. If so, where will they live and how will they do it. What changes have taken place for you lately. Prompt: Most of us feel the need for what we call “breathing room”— some space to call our own. The Best Thing I’ve Learned in School: Write about the most valuable thing you ever learned in school. Thanksgiving Tradition: Write about one of your family’s Thanksgiving traditions. Writing Tenses: Tense-specific ESL Writing Prompts and Topics for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced.

What foods would be in it. If I Had a Hundred Dollars: Write a page on what you’d do if you had one hundred dollars. Where did you see it. A Dream I’ve Had: Describe a dream that you’ve had. Unless it’s a turning point. What subjects would you teach and how would you teach them. What have you accomplished, what are you proudest of, what is the world like, and do you have any regrets. Describe this amusing event and tell why you thought it was funny. What is something you do well. Here are a few prompts written by a creative guy. What made it a great gift. Check that your grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct. Learn English Writing with Videos. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction. How would you celebrate it.

What would this holiday celebrate. How would it change your life. Write an essay explaining why someone you care about is important to you. If you enjoy writing, and have a skill or specialist knowledge that you would like to share, then maybe you would like to write about it here, on Hubpages. Student write responses to open-ended questions. Prompt: If you are like most people, you probably have had experiences in which you have been treated in a way you consider unfair. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material. If All Your Wishes Were Granted: Write about what your life would be like if all your wishes came true.

We are always looking for . Essays About the Writer: What’s Bugging You. Prompt: It is a common theme in literature that the worst of times brings out not only the worst but also the best in people. Something I Learned from a Bad Experience: Think about something bad that happened to you, but taught you something. : Write about how you are like your father. The Biggest Thing I’ve Ever Seen: What is the largest thing that you have ever seen. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. You probably have plans for your life too— school, a career, travel and adventure, a family. Describe it in detail, tell how you feel about it and what it means to you. What is something you dislike about yourself. Describe each person and what they mean to you. Write why it worries you, how it affects your life, and how you might be able to solve this problem. Describe each item fully and tell why you want each one. What can you do to make it less irritating.

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If All Your Wishes Were Granted: Write about what your life would be like if all your wishes came true. Write a page on what you like the best in school. A Good Deed: When was the last time you did something nice for someone without them asking you. Write a page on your hero’s accomplishments and what makes that person a hero. How would it feel being a world record holder.

However, it is of course possible to split the four into their own writing prompt, or to combine any number of them as is deemed necessary. The Best Thing That Happened This Year: What is the best thing that happened to you this year. Include things like what you’d eat, who you’d see, where you’d go, and what you’d do. Prompt: Have you ever wondered about your place in the world. What parts of your personality are like his. 10 Tips for Leading a Classroom Discussion.

Include a description of the characters, the story, the scenery, and what you liked the most and the least about the movie. What inaccurate conclusions did you have. Have you ever been surprised to learn that things were not as they seemed. Why did you want to accomplish this particular thing. ESL Writing Index: ESL site for studying English and learning English online, including ESL Forums, ESL Chat, online TOEIC tests, ESL. Write about a time when you “stood your ground. My Earliest Memory: What is the first memory you have of your life.

There are many unusual Olympic sports, like skeleton (running and then sledding), biathlon (skiing plus shooting), and curling (using brooms to propel an object over ice). Essays About the Writer: A Personal Accomplishment: Write about something that you worked hard to accomplish. Each animal had a notebook and every weekend a different child took the stuffed animal and the notebook home and wrote about what they did together over the weekend. Make sure to use complete sentences and write neatly. Write about why you would like to be this age and what you would do. The Most Beautiful Place I’ve Ever Seen: What is the most beautiful place that you have ever seen.

Unless it’s a turning point

Describe it in detail, tell how you feel about it and what it means to you. My Special Day: If you had a day all for yourself and could do whatever you wanted to, what would you do. Describe this person and write about why they are so important. Help your student understand writing prompts. Favorites and Superlatives: My Favorite Game: What is your favorite game. Why did you choose that animal.

Writing Clinic: Creative Writing Prompts (13) – My City. Would there be any special food or symbols for your holiday. Prompt: Have you ever been treated unfairly because of your race, your religion, the way you look, or just because you are “different”. How do you think this will affect your life. On Monday mornings the class read, discussed and critiqued the writing. : Write about how you are like your mother. How did your conclusions change. The clothes someone wears, the color of their skin, their sex, their age— all of these aspects of a person are like the cover of a book.

What do you think it would be like there. You probably have plans for your life too— school, a career, travel and adventure, a family. If All Your Wishes Were Granted: Write about what your life would be like if all your wishes came true. : Write about what makes you different from other people you know. What have you accomplished, what are you proudest of, what is the world like, and do you have any regrets. When I Look in the Mirror I.

Prompt: Never judge a book by its cover, the old saying goes. If You Could Fly: If you could fly whenever you wanted to, what would you do. Writing prompts are often useful tools to help English students kick start a small ESL writing project. : My Superpower: If you could have one superpower, what would it be. It’s such fun to watch. Favorites and Superlatives: Vacation: My Worst Vacation Ever: Write a page on the worst vacation or trip that you ever had. Who would make the food and where would it be served.

Living in Space: Do you think people will ever live in space. Start with your birth and continue the adventure up to the present. : What do you see when you look in the mirror. Describe what you like to do on this holiday, who you like to be with at that time, and why you enjoy it so much. The three items have to fit in an ordinary backpack. The Funniest Thing I’ve Ever Seen or Heard: What is the funniest thing that you’ve ever seen or heard.

Why would you want to do this particular thing

: Write about how you are like your father. When you find your place will you know it. The Story of Your Name: Why did your parents give you your name — what is the story of your name. You might wonder, “Why is this happening to me. Tell a Joke: Write a funny joke that you know. Write about what you remember, how old you were at the time, and why you think you remember this event in particular.